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Selected Press/Media Appearances

Maya Wei-Haas, “We need better face masks—and origami might help,” National Geographic, January 20, 2021


Stephen Robinson, “How to make an origami boat, “ How to Learn Everything, September 2020.


Tara Parker-Pope, “A User’s Guide to Face Masks,” The New York Times, April 10, 2020.

“A Designer’s DIY No-Sew Origami Mask + The Best Materials to Use Update,”, April 2020.


Tara Parker-Pope, “What’s the Best Material for a Mask?” The New York Times, April 20, 2020.

Sarah Bahr, “You can make this no-sew origami mask in under two minutes,” Indianapolis Monthly, April 13, 2020.


Jenny Porter Tilley, “Origami artist hopes her masks will slow spread of COVID-19,” Herald Times, April 7, 2020


"Origami artist turns to folding face masks amid pandemic need," IU Research Impact, April 2, 2020


Catie Anderson, "Where Once There Was a Square, Now There Is a Story," Leigh Yawkey Woodson Art Museum, December 11, 2019


Andy Kozlowski & Tiffany Esshaki, “Art exhibit to showcase versatility of paper,” C & G Newspapper, October 18, 2019.


Elliott Bill, “Paper Architect,” Pride of IU. Artistic Endeavors, Arts & Culture, May 23,   2019.


Elliott Bill, “Original,” Indiana University Alumni Magazine, Spring 2019, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana.


Exhibit showcases elaborate, larger-than-life origami creations,” Fox 13 Tampa Bay, June 25, 2019.


Jennifer Ring, “A traveling exhibit brings origami’s best to St. Petersburg’s Museum of Fine Arts,” Creative Loafing Tempa, June 25, 2019.


“Above the Fold: New Expressions in Origami,” On Maui!, September-October 2018.


Pau Hana, “Above the Fold: New Expressions in Origami Exhibit takes look at advances of origami,” The Maui News, August 26, 2018.


Lisa Powell, “Last Chance to See It: Origami art reaches a whole new level in this Dayton exhibition,”, April 10th, 2018.


“CODA Paper Art 2017,” Villa d’Arte. The Netherlands, February 22, 2018.


Amy Dallis, “Above the Fold: A Cut Above,”, February 20, 2018.


Meredith Moss, “Paper magic! Origami from around the world at DAI,” Dayton Daily News, February 17, 2018.


Rachel Aragon, “Explore DAI’s new origami exhibit: Above the fold,”, February 16th, 2018.


Sarah Green, “Art Trip: Columbus, Indiana,” The Art Assignment, PBS Digital Studios, October 5, 2017. 


Deel Deze Pagina, “Papier verwondert en inspireert,” Ontdekcultuur, The Netherlands, June 2017.


Lou Harry, “Lou’s Views: Art exhibit accentuates architecture,” Indianapolis Business Journal, August 25, 2017.


“Randall Forte: Federal arts funding beneficial to Lehigh Valley,” The Morning Call, Allentown, Pennsylvania, May 8, 2017.


Andrew Doerfler, “Must-see origami show in Allentown takes paper folding to the next level,” Lehigh Valley Live, Lehigh Valley, Pennsylvania, March 7th, 2017.


Tim Higgins, “Allentown Art Museum exhibit: Origami, elevated to art,” The Morning Call, Allentown, Pennsylvania, March 21, 2017.


Solvej Schou, Exhibit unfolds origami’s beauty as large-scale art,” Associated Press News, June 29, 2016 (review also appeared in San Diego Union Tribute and The Columbian) .


Gemma Zoe Price, “A First Look at Single Thread, Sonoma County’s New Restaurant, Inn and Farm,” Wall Street Journal Magazine, June 15, 2016.


Adrienne Alpert, “Above the Fold Breaks Tradition at Japanese American National Museum,” ABC Eyewitness News, Los Angeles, CA, June 14, 2016


Avishay Artsy, “L.A. Exhibit Showcases the Global Reach of Origami,” KCRW, Santa Monica, CA, May 25, 2016.


Chelsea Abdullah, “Longmont origami exhibit is ‘Above the Fold’,” Boulder Weekly, Boulder, Colorado, March 31, 2016.


Brett Callwood, “Longmont Museum origami exhibit unfolds Friday,” Times-Call, Longmont, Colorado, February 11, 2016.


“The Longmont Museum’s Above the Fold Origami Exhibit,”, City of Longmont, Colorado, February 11, 2016.


Ray Mark Rinaldi, “Visual Art: The fine art of origami in Longmont,” The Denver Post, Denver, Colorado, February 11, 2016.


“Celebration in Art,” WTIU (Local Public Television), Premiered November 27, 2016 at 6:30 pm, Bloomington, Indiana.


Mary Keck, “Professor Jiangmei Wu uses the science of paper folding to create artistic designs,” Inside IU, November 16, 2016, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana.


Laura Goldstein, “Vancouver’s Lighting Architecture Movement Project shines a light on the best in contemporary lighting,” The Globe and Mail, Toronto, Canada, November 4, 2015.


Kenny Kemp, “Above the Fold, Origami Exhibit Shows Power of Paper,” Gazette-Mail, September 2015.


“Toyota City International Art Festival,” Toyota City Cultural Promotion Foundation TV Interview, Toyota City, Aichi Prefecture, Japan.


Satoru Kato, “Origami: Jiangmei Wu’s Folded Light Art and Design,”

Nihon Josei Shimbun, Tokyo, Japan, September 15, 2015.


桥诘Miyuki, “Complex Paper Folded Design,” Chunichi Shimbun, Nagoya, Aichi Prefecture, Japan, July 2015.


Satoru Kato, “International Art Festival Feature Artist Jiangmei Wu,” Yahagi Shinpo, Toyota City, Aichi Prefecture, Japan, June 2015.


Betsy Di Julio, “Origami Exhibit is Above the Fold,” Veer Magazine, Norfolk, Virginia, June 2015.


Don Stewart, “Origami: It’s not just for cranes anymore,” The Recorder, Greenfield, Massachusetts, April 2015.


Susan Dunne, “Above the Fold’ Origami Show in Springfield,” Hartford Courant, February 16, 2015.


Kathryn Roy,“Springfield Museums welcomes unique origami exhibit,” The Republican, Springfield, Massachusetts, February 2015.


Carmen Siering, “Jiangmei Wu: Blurring the Bounds of Art and Design,” Bloom, September 2015, Bloomington, Indiana.


Kathy Jonas, “What Is that Arty, Wordy Thing at South Walnut and 2nd Street,” Bloom, January 2015, Bloomington, Indiana (with Jon Racek).


“The Weekly Special: Expressions,” WTIU (Local Public Television), Premiered April 10, 2014 at 6:30 pm, Bloomington, Indiana.


Christian Kemp, “BEAD plans for symbolic art sculpture,” Indiana Daily Students, Bloomington, Indiana.

Selected Creative Publications/Exhibition Reviews

Bon Ku and Ellen Lupton, “Health Design Thinking: Creating Products and Services for Better Health” 2nd Edition, MIT Press. March 3, 2021.


Ioana Paunescu, “Synergia: A Self-supporting Pavilion of Recycled and Recyclable Plastic,” Igloo, Burcharest, Romania, Issue 186, November, 2018.


“Origami-inspired installation made from recycled plastic lights up Columbus, Indiana,”, January 11, 2018. (work featured in online magazine).


Lidija Grozdanic, “Spectacular origami pavilion made of recycled plastic pops up in Columbus, Indiana,”, October, 18, 2017. (work featured in online magazine).


“Synergia,” CODAmagazine: The Magic of Color IV , October 2017.


Sarah Rose Sharp, “In an Indiana Town, a Treasure Trove of Modernist Design,”, November 9, 2017.


Enrique Ramirez, “Exhibit Columbus Brings a New Perspective to Modern Icons,” Metropolis, September 11, 2017.  


Murrye Bernard, “Celebrating the Architectural Legacy of Columbus, Indiana,” Contract Magazine, TalkContract, September 12, 2017.


“CODA Paper Art 2017,” Villa d’Arte, The Netherlands, Edition 3, June 30, 2017.


Nicholas Kordy, At Exhibit Columbus, S­­tudents Get a Chance to Test Their Ideas in the Real World,”, June 15, 2017.


Meher McArthur, New Expressions in Origami Art: Masterworks from 25 Leading Paper Artists, Tuttle Publishing, Vermont, March 2017.


Joseph Fraioli, “Bringing Math into the Fold: Art exhibit shows the results of regular polygons in crease patterns,” Scholastic MATH Magazine, December 5, 2016.


“(C)olumn,” CODAmagazine: The Written Words III, October 2016. (with Jon Racek).

“2016 Niche Award Finalists,” Niche Magazine, Winter 2016.


Meher McArthur, “New Expressions in Origami,” The Paper: The Magazine of OrigamiUSA, Winter 2015, Issue 118.


Marquerite Serkin, “New Expressions in Origami,” Artscope, March/April 2015.


“Anemoi Light by Jiangmei Wu,”, July 2015. (work featured in online magazine).


Ana Cosma, “Ruga Swan/Jiangmei Wu,”, May 2015. (work featured in online magazine).


“Ruga Swan/Jiangmei Wu,”, January 2015. (work featured in online magazine). 


Denise Bosler, “Folded Light Art + Design Branding,” Creative Anarchy: How to Break the Rules of Graphic Design for Creative Success, F & W Media Inc, New York, January 2015. (With You Zhang).


Marc Almagro, “Show Stoppers,” Form, Singapore, December 2014.


Harisadhi Leelayuwapan, “Asian Blood,” Wallpaper* (Thai Edition), December 2014.


Itsaya Ngowsawat, “Truly Talented,” Elle Decoration Thailand, November 2014.

Eli Blevis, “Maker Paper,” Interactions, July/August 2014.


Anna Palige, “Folded Light Art by Jiangmei Wu,”, January 2014. (work featured in online magazine).


“Folded Light Art + Design,” Good Idea 3, Guangzhou: Hightone Design book Cor.,Ltd, December 2013. (with You Zhang).


Ted Savage, “Sunflower lamp by Jiangmei Wu,”, December 2013. (work featured in online magazine).


Jordan Kushins, “Beautiful Light Fixtures Folded from Single Sheet of Tyvek,”, December 2013. (work featured in online magazine).


Leonora Sartori, “Beams of Light,” DAMn, Belgium, May/June 2013.


Jun Li, “Thirteen Young Chinese Designers Shine in the Overseas,” Elle Decoration China, Shanghai, China, May 2013.


Priscilla Balmer and Magali Prugnard, “L’Origami En Grande Forme,” Espaces Contemporains, Switzerland, May 2013.


Estela Ataide, “Folded Origami,” House Trends, Portugal: PM Media Comunicacao S.A., Spring 2013.


Brühlmann Erik, “Erstklassig beleuchten,” SonntagsZeitung, Switzerland, April 2013.


Luca Curci, “Folded Light Art and Design – Cotton Paper Lights,”, March 2013. (work featured in online magazine).


Ted Savage, “Torus Folded Lamp by Jiangmei Wu,”, February 2013. (work featured in online magazine).


“Folded Light Art by Jiangmei Wu,”, January 2013. (work featured in online magazine).


Elise Ying-hei Ho, “Jiangmei Wu's Origami Light Fixtures Burst with Luminescent Rays,”, December 2012. (work featured in online magazine).


Camille Caruana, “Luminaires en origami,”, December 2012. (work featured in online magazine).


Jon Dioffa, “Jiangmei Wu Creates Beautiful Origami-Inspired Pendant Lamps with Sustainable Materials,”, December 2012. (work featured in online magazine).


“Sustainable Origami Light,”, December 2012. (work featured in online magazine).


“Jiangmei Wu’s Origami Light Fixtures Burst with Luminescent Rays,”, December 2012. (work featured in online magazine).

© 2022 by Jiangmei Wu: Origami-inspired Folded Light Art + Design. All rights reserved. Email:

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